The difference between laptops and laptops

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The difference between a notebook and a notebook

Last Updated :

14 Jul, 2020

1. Laptop :

The laptop is a modern computer and an alternative to the desktop computer. Laptops are portable and have the same power as desktop computers and can be used according to the user. Laptops typically weigh between 4 and 12 pounds, and display sizes and thickness vary depending on their models. Unlike notebooks, laptops have DVD-drive and other peripheral options.

2.Notebook :

Notebook computers are modern computers that have a notebook size so that they can be carried easily. Notebook computers typically have fewer hardware functionalities than laptop. Notebook computers can’t be used as an alternative to a desktop computer. Notebook computer processing power is less than laptops and there is no option available for DVD-drives and peripherals.

Difference between Laptop and Notebook :





Laptops have fans and other systems for cooling purposes.

While notebooks generally do not have an effective cooling system because the processing power is less than that of a laptop.


Laptops are usually larger and heavier than notebooks.

While notebooks are smaller and lighter than laptops.


Laptop has higher processing power .

Although the processing power of the notebook is lower than that of the notebook.


The laptop has an optical drive or DVD-drive option.

While the notebook has no optical drive or DVD-drive option.


The laptop has a peripheral option.

While the notebook has no peripheral option.


Laptop hardware is stronger than notebook hardware.

While its hardware is simple as compared to laptop.


Laptops are generally more expensive than notebooks.

While notebook is less expensive than laptop.

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